As of Thursday, April 20th, Google's virtual assistant, Google Home, was upgraded to include individual voice recognition. Although the product could previously respond to certain verbal commands, now it can recognize different voices for different people. This means if one member of the family using Google Home has a different calendar than another, it can recognize which voice is speaking, and give that person their own schedule. Of course, the assistant will not automatically know who is speaking; each voice must be associated with a name manually. It can learn a voice by having the person speak key phrases, such as "OK Google," where it will pinpoint exactly what makes the person's voice different from others. However, from there on, it will be an automatic recognition. There is also a feature where, if a guest or other unrecognized voice is heard, Google Home will not respond. This prevents private information, such as calendar schedules and personal notes, from being heard by other people.
What are your thoughts on this system? What is good/bad about it?
Do you think the feature of not responding to unknown speakers is enough to prevent leaked information?
I think this is a very good system. If I had a virtual home assistant, I would definitely like to have this voice recognition feature to keep my information separate from other people in my family. The only bad thing I can think of about it is, as is for all technology, the product malfunctioning and mishearing my or someone else's voice as an unrecognized one.
I'm not entirely sure about the latter feature. If this is as good at voice recognition as advertised, then I don't feel there would be too much of a problem. However, if it's not, people who have similar sounding voices could possibly access information that the owner doesn't want people accessing.
Well done! You could have replied a few more times overall.
This is really cool! I love this new feature and it makes it a lot more accessible for the users at home. I think it has a lot of advantages with the new addition. Also, I think Google Home shouldn't give out personal information so the other new feature is a wonderful idea-- as long as it works correctly!
I think this system can keep people feeling safe and protected and should be taken into consideration. But there is a possibility that there could be some malfunctions in the device. So I personally think its cool but I don't know if I would put my protection of my home in a robots hands.
I think that system is very good and it will help people being more protected. but there could be some bad in this because is you are sick and have a cooled you voice could be different. So there are positives and negatives. if someone wanted to get in they would find a way around it.
I think that the system is a good idea because of it being able to protect each persons personal schedules and notes, I believe that the feature of not responding to unknown voices is okay for now but people today always find a way to hack technology.
The new innovated Google Home sounds very interesting as well as impressive. The idea of having this device recognize your voice is definitely fascinating. In this era we may be continuously improving and creating even more technology, but regardless each device can malfunction. At one point, Google Home might not recognize your voice and not allow you to access your information. It may also believe someone with a similar “speaking style” is you and create even further problems.
I think this is a great system because elders who need who need help could really use this! I still think this feature is great because people can now be more concealed with it and not have visitors at their house know everything about them they don't need to know.
I think that this is a good idea. It keeps things private and is more personalized for each specific person. It would probably have a few glitches in the beginning but hopefully that could get sorted out. I think it will help with leaking information, but I don't think it will will get rid of it completely.
I think it is a good idea because the product is more personalized for people and will make it easier. Not necessarily, it will definitely help though. I think it is a good idea to have that on the system.
I think this is a good system. It keeps your own things private and organized from others. The only bad thing is sometimes your voice is different if you have a cold or something so it might not recognize your voice. I think it would help it some but I don't think it will solve all the problems. Some people have similar voices which could trick Google.