Yesterday, Nevada was the first to approve the liscense of this new driverless car. This car was designed to reduce the amount of accidents. Google received the liscense, the company with the very famous search engine site and ever expanding email service. Google has also been a company of amazing new possibilities in technology for our world. But the question is, would this car be a good idea?

What do you think? Click on the link to check out the video and the rest of the article!

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  • I think it's a great idea! but there could be some errors causing them to crash and hurt people. I think a human actualy being in the car driving it would put more attention to the road ensuring less acidents. But if they can get it to work as good or even better i am all for it.

  • I'm so glad they got a license this has the potential to very big in the future. the tech won't be perfect at first but in the future this could solve so many problems

  • I dont know how safe this would be. Sometimes gps isnt right and could cause a crash. Another thing is its a prius there so small I wouldnt want to ride in one of those.

  • If it knows where its going like a garmin they should reconsider this, because sometimes they try to go on roads that aren't real.

  • Honestly I don't know if it would be a good idea. It doesn't take anyone to drive it, but can it really do everything on its on?

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