Recently at HCHS the school faculty has introduced a new method of signing out of class. The students will bring their phones to the spot that the teacher has listed the QR code. Then we have to scan it, but the inconsistency in this method will not make this effective. Only people with an Iphone are able to use this method. So, therefore, this method is not 100% effective. This method makes it extremely easy for students to take their phones to the restroom with them. The whole point of the phone pouches is to make sure students are not on their phones during class as well as taking our phones to the restroom.
Before we had the QR code sign out we would use a piece of paper provided by the teacher to prove that the student signed out. As well as, where we are going. That way was safer for the student due to the teacher having physical proof that a student is in the restroom or with another teacher incase of an emergency such as a fire. With the QR code the teacher might not remember if a student left.
On the new QR code sign out sheets have more questions on them. To be able to sign out with this method you would have to scan the QR code, then wait for it to load. Sometimes the QR code will not load. Once the QR code loads then you have to fill out your school email, full name, which teacher you are with, where are you going. While you stand there and fill out the form it takes up even more of class time. Which is the opposite of what teachers want.
I personally do not think this method will not last for long because of the inconsistency of it. I think the school will finally realize that not every method is going to be suitable for different types of students. The whole point of the sign out QR is to see who uses the restroom at certain times or how frequently. The school is trying to stop the students from vaping in the bathroom but what are they doing to stop this. Teachers can legally say no when a student asks to use the restroom. On the other side of that, many parents will be frustrated with this and contact the school.
Did you like signing out on the paper better? Why or why not.
How long do you think this method will last?
Great job Ava! The only issue is that this was done before but I did say you could keep it so I can't take off for it.
I personally believe that using the QR codes are dumb because I have to go get up get my phone sign out with little to no internet and then go put my phone back then go to the bathroom. I just think that it takes to long and that the QR codes will hopfully not stay for long.
I personally think that this stupid code thing should not be a thing. I think this because it takes forever to sign out. paper is way easier becasue your still putting what time you left and see how many times you left. I think this will last awhile because teachers think its a great idea.
I think signing out on the paper is more accurate. When you fill out a google form. You can put whatever name you want. It also usually takes 4-5 just to get pulled up. Then filling it out is another 2-3 mins. I thin the form method will not last longer.
I do not like using the google sign out forms. I don't like using them because it takes up to much time and sometimes it doesn't load correctly. This could all be avoided if we just went back to the paper sign out sheets.
I literally hate it, there is no reason for it. What if someone has to urgently use the bathroom and they have to sign out? I think it is useless. No I really don't think it will last long because it's not ethical.
I don't like signing out of the google forms and just wished that we could go back to the paper. Because paper is quicker and easier than the other. Expantional when we are in rooms that aren't using the best of internet at times.
I prefer signing out on paper because it's faster and way easier. Scanning the QR code takes too much time, and it doesn't even work all the time. I think that some teachers will keep it, but I think that most teachers will get rid of it soon.
I prefer signing out on the paper sign-out sheet because it takes less time than the QR codes do. Sometimes the QR codes don't work for some students' phones, and the school doesn't have good reception. I don't think this method will last because it takes too much time out of our learning.
I like signing out on paper better because it's a lot easier and less time-consuming. Using the QR code takes a lot longer because they take forever to load and you have to answer more questions. I don't think this new method will last very long because over time teachers will get very tired of students wasting time waiting for the QR to load.