Google Car

In California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that stated that self-driving cars where legal in California.  The company that made the car was Google. They were trying to make a safer car and they may have succeeded in doing so.  Some good things that come from a self-driving car are that they can use the highways more efficiently, you won’t have to worry about a speeding ticket, and it eliminates drunk driving.  One of the bad things is in construction zones you still have to drive the car.  I think that this invention will catch on and will make the world a safer and better place.  What are your views on this new technology?

Below is a link to the sight.,2817,2410180,00.asp

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  • there are definitely some problems with this like areas with construction would have to be added along with accidents if the car was unable to slow down enough to miss a deer

  • I think these sound good, but also dangerous, because people will probably assume they don't need to pay attention to the road. Then, when a car glitches, the driver won't be paying enough attention to do anything about it.

  • it'll take a while before the technology actually works in real life. I think they might have been a little hasty in making this legal. the streets are not a good place for prototypes

  • This sounds pretty cool but also pretty dangerous. Technelogy doesn't always work if this thing messes up who knows what could happen to the driver or others around him/her.

  • I think it mite be a bad idea the car could malfunction of something go wrong and crash into something. We would have much safer drivers but i don't think it would be good.

  • I think that it would be cool but what if it has a malfunction and kills a lot of people 0.o

  • i think this would really cool and it would get rid of some of the hazards in driving. But i find the idea of it kind of scary. I could also see new laws coming out saying how you cant fall asleep at the wheel simply because what would happen if you did enter a construction zone...i just dont know how i feel about this.

  • I don't think its a very good idea because there is so many things that could go wrong. Like if the computer malfunctions it could injure of even kill.

  • im not sure i would like this because something could go wrong in the transmission or engine and you couls end straight up in the ditch because you did not have control of the car. i thin that this is a bad idea.

  • people might not watch the road so you could end up getting in a wreck so it doesn't sound to safe.

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