Two professors at Michigan State University found a way to turn gold chloride into real gold. What they did was mix the chloride with some bacteria and Cupriavidus and metallidurans, (whatever they are). Once the bacteria is put in the mix it takes 1 week to create a 24k gold nugget. The professors have decided to call the method “microbial alchemy.” There currently is no set price on the gold created in the lab.
I think that this will make gold almost worthless but could save people a lot of money in the future.
What are your views of this new devolvement?
The link is below.
i don't think people are going to bother buying it because it is going to cost way to much
That is really cool. Who would of thought that one day you could turn chloride into real gold. I wonder if you can tell the difference between the gold chloride and the real gold?
That is interesting! I think that it could bring gold prices down a bit. I think that it is a cool invention though.
This is a good idea i think! And this way the price of gold will go down! We are also running out of gold i think so this is a new way to get or make it! This is cool
I don't think this will really effect gold's value because most people aren't going to want to buy gold created in a lab that is just kind of gold.
i think its not a good idea because now like u said gold will be worthless its value wont be the same it will go down.