Girls Charged in Girl`s Suicide

On September 9th 2013, Rebecca Sedwick climbed up an old cement plant tower, and leaped to end her life. The reason she jumped, was because two teenage girls, 14 and 12, bullied her for over a year by internet and to her face. Rebecca then moved to get away after the older girl tried to fight her, but she couldn't get away from the cyber bullying. One of the things they said before she died was "Go drink bleach and die!" and after she died, the older girl said word for word "Yes I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but I don't give a ****."

Officials are wondering whether or not to try them as an adult. What do you think? Do you think the girls should be tried as an adult? Personally I think they should because they knew exactly what they were doing, But what do you say?

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  • Better job on this story! Very sad.

  • When i first read the title i was like well that's stupid if its suicide the girl shouldn't be charged because then that would be murder.... but then i read the caption and i understand now. That is horrible!!!!! And then for her to realize that she was the reason that girl took her own life and then she didn't even feel bad! She almost seemed relieved. That is so wrong and i hope that girl gets charged as an adult because the deserves whatever will come her to and more! 

  • I think they should be tried as an adult because they made a girl kill herself and they were doing this on purpose to the poor girl. It's an awful thing that someone would do this and not even care about it. 

  • Finally, some people have been convicted of something i guess i'll call "Assisted Suicide" or something like that.

    It's pretty offensive the way she admitted it, but once again, this world is messed up.

  • I still think that they should be charged as adults and lately on the news I saw that the girl was allowed to be on her phone and social media even after everybody knew about the girl commiting suicide. This is just crazy that her parents would let her do this.

  • This is so crazy!! who tells them to go kill themselves and bullies them this bad, and says stuff like she doesn't care that she committed suicide. You cant act like you didn't hurt her or it doesn't matter, cause obviously she killed herself. They should be tried as adults and get punished for what they did. They basically killed a girl by words and they are only 14. That is sad! 

  • I saw this on the news this morning. One of the girls took responsibility, but the other said her account was "hacked." They should be, but won't be, tried as adults. They should be charged with manslaughter, and at least put in a juvenile detention center, and taught about why what they did was wrong. They obviously knew what they were doing if they were telling her to kill herself. The girl should have ignored the message and told an adult. 

  • I think these girls should be tried as adults. Even after they found out Rebecca killed herself because of them, they didn't feel any regret. I think that trying them as adults may open their eyes to what they did to Rebecca and show them that what they did was extremely wrong. 

  • I think they should be tried as an adult only because they new what they were doing and were very mean to the girl.

  • The bully needs to be worried that she pretty much killed someone. They both need to pay for it in one way or another

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