Mo Isom tried out to be a kicker on LSU's football team. Mo is currently one of LSU's top girl soccer players and it was her dream to play football too. Head coach Les Miles did'nt decline her for her kicking ability but was concerned on her getting hurt and tackled. Mo said shes to determined to give up and is going to give 150% to become better at football and make the team.

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  • Thats funny it should be interesting to see a girl on the field kicking a football

  • I know that when I was little I wanted to become a professional boxer. I would always practice punching on my dad's stomach. They should let her play and the first time she gets hurt she should have the decision to quit or continue.

  • that truely is something, i think the coach should atleast give her a shot

  • im glad she was determined to make to the team, i feel like boys underestimate us girls. we can play football and boys sports! but hopefully she doesnt get hurt because the boys wont care if she is a girl or not

  • That is pretty neat story. She should try it out. I think that it is not that fair that girls can play football but gays cant play volleyball. She should try it though.

  • i guess if she wants to do it then she should. we'll see if she gets on the team. i wonder how good she actually is at kicking footballs.

  • Wouldn't it be crazy if she got on the team, then eventually made it to the NFL?

  • that is really cool .. she prabably have a really good kick.. but she can get hurt .. well this is her option so i think it could be considered

  • I think that is awesome that a woman is standing up and is so determined to do what is thought to be a man's job.  I bet she is going to make the team someday.

  • I really hope she makes it! She will be an idol for many girls in america.

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