Girl Survives 3500ft Fall

For her sixteenth birthday a young Texas girl, Makenzie Wethington, went to a skydiving school in Oklahoma where she went skydiving with her father. When Makenzie jumped, shortly after her father, she realized that her parachute wouldn't open. After realizing that her parachute malfunctioned she knew she had to do fix it but blacked out. Makenzie landed without her parachute in an open cow pasture. She had no memory of crashing or the panic that unfolded afterwords. Makenzie had always prayed every night and thanks God for her survival. She spent the following week in a hospital in Oklahoma City and was transferred to Baylor Institute for rehabilitation where she is expected to make a full recovery.

What do you guys think about this? 

Seems pretty amazing that someone could survive such a fall.

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  • Well done Kyle!

  • It is so incredible to think that this kind of story is real! She had to have been completely horrified at the time, especially when she's only 16. This something that she's going to carry with her for the rest of her life. 

  • I think this was a miracle and that it shows God is always truly watching out for us.

  • It's such a miracle! I think she was very lucky, people usually don't survive those type of falls. It would be hard to recovery both physically or mentally. I'm glad she will make a full recovery. 

  • That's crazy, but isn't there always a backup parachute? Did her father see any of it happen? She is very lucky to still be alive. Are they going to sue the skydiving school?

  • I guess it would be all in the landing, but still from 3,500 feet, God must have been in her favor that day. The fact the this kid is going to be able to walk again let alone have a full recovery is stunning and completely unexpected.

  • Wow!! That's scary. Skydiving would be so much fun, but that kinda freaks me out. My mom went skydiving and it was a really fun time. That is a great story. 

  • What a birthday present. That is a long ways to fall, its just good she survived. 

  • I think that would be scary and i hope she makes full recovery and can return to her normal life. 

  • That's crazy that she survived that. I would probably black out too if I was her. She is fighting strong through this and is really lucky and everyone should be praying that things go ok from here on out.

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