Girl stabs sister 40 times!

A 11 year old girl stabbed 40 times by 14 year old sister. Police found the 11 year old girl unconscious and in need of medical attention in an upstairs bedroom of the Illinois suburb Tuesday morning. She later died.Because the sister, who called police, initially told officers an intruder was to blame for the attack, authorities briefly placed three schools on lock down. The truth, when it emerged, was even more shocking.The 14 year old, authorities say, repeatedly and fatally stabbed the victim her half sister with a kitchen knife because the teen thought she was ungrateful.

I think this is weird if they were so close why would she wanna kill her sister? Do you think she should be tried as an adult? why? 

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  • The girl who stabbed her sister is clearly not all there in the head. She most definitely needs help, along with being sent to juvie.

  • Stories like this make me sick. How could anyone do something like this? And much less to your own sister !!! That's crazy. I know my sister and I have a very close relationship, I would never even imagine being able to even think about doing something like this to her.

  • I think she needs to be sent away to a mental asylum for awhile you shouldn't want to kill your own sibling.

  • I swear to god we need to bring back hangings for these types of people. Maby then this brain dead idiot wouldn't have taken  the life of her sister for being "ungrateful."

  • I think she needs mental help, and that she should get tried as an adult. She did stab her sister 40 times, she also lied about it to the police. 

  • Even if she thinks that he sister was ungrateful, she didn't need to stab her. The 14-year-old really needs to get some mental help and figure out her issues. She should be tried as an adult, but she will most likely be put in an insane asylum.

  • I don't see why anyone would ever kill somebody, especially a family member. I think she should be tried, but not as an adult. She obviously knew what she was doing, but sometimes people, especially younger people, don't understand consequences of their actions. Maybe she should be tried as an adult. Killing someone on purpose is killing them no matter what age they are.

  • I don't know what is going on in peoples heads with wanting to kill their siblings. You eventually would work everything out so why end their life? Besides you will go through the rest of your life carrying guilt for what you did.

  • That is so crazy you dont do that if someone thinks they are ungrateful you talk to them and help them think otherwise. 

  • I'm not sure what caused her to kill her sister... I'm guessing she might be mentally unstable for her to stab her sister 40 times

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