A nine year old girl was at a Holloween Party near Pittsburg when she went outside to hide, she was dressed in all black. One of her relatives came out of the house, and thought she was a skunk, so they shot at her. She then was life flighted to the Childrens Hospital in Pittsburg. Where she was in the intensive care unit. They didn't release any information on the person who shot her, or how the little girl was doing.
And that is why you don't just go shooting at things in the dark. Did they really need to shoot the "skunk" that bad? I swear he should be charge with manslaughter if she dies and attempted manslaughter if she doesn't. there's just no excuse for something like this
It makes me wonder how you would mistake a 9 year old girl for a skunk. They must have some pretty big skunks over there to be mistaken for a person. I hope she recovers.
Wow, that's really horrible! I'm sure whoever her family member was felt absolutely horrible. It does sound like they aren't very bright though, to just shoot something you think is a skunk when you really don't know. Poor little girl.
thats really sad but yet very odd.usually people dont mix up 9 year old girls with a small rodent. And if so they usually wouldn't whip out a gun and shoot it. I don't know it doesn't sound quite right.
This is horrible!! If it was a skunk why would they shoot it when it would stink. But it was a little girl and it's really sad that this happened. Hopefully she gets better.
This is such a horrible accident and I'm sure the family member that shot at her is really kicking themselves right now for their negligence.
That is so sad!! i cant believe they thought she was a skunk? I hope the littler girl is doing okay. I bet her relative felt horrible about this. I wonder what she was if she was dressed in all black and why that person had a gun in the first place.
How do you think a little girl dressed in black looks like a skunk and why would you shoot at her. The person that was shooting at her must have been drinking or something.
This is intense! i cant believe they mistook her for a skunk! But, this could happen to anyone, i bet her family member feels so awful. I don't really get why he girl was hiding or what she was hiding from, but why didn't they know where she was? i mean she is only 9, and i bet they would have never guessed it was her hiding.
That is terrible. I'm wondering how a girl could have looked that much like a skunk, and why that person would shoot at it anyway.