A 10-pound hairball was removed from an 18 year old girl's stomach. She was complaining of stomach pains and vomiting, and also lost 40 pounds in 5 months. Turns out she ate her hair and caused a giant hair ball to form in her stomach. After getting the hair removed she recieved help so she could stop eating her hair.

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312588,00.html

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  • her parents need to feed her real food so she dont have to eat her hair
  • thats disgusting
  • thats kind of weird that she actually eats her hair
  • uhm wow...creeper. my cousin used to pull her hair out when she was little when she was nervous or scared but she never ATE her hair. thats just WEIRD!! eating your own hair is like...eating cotton or something. thats just gross. although i know theres some mental disease out there that can make you do that..anyways it just creepy
  • haha that's disgusting! and pry something you should keep to yourself....
  • EWWW!! that is gross. and dangerous. I bet she could've died.. i wouldnt like having that story to tell
  • Why would a person be able to eat their own hair? Did she do it in her sleep or when she was awake?
  • did she subconsiously eat her hair??
    that is just weird and gross.
  • How is that even physically possible! How does she eat her own hair though? Like is it a pyscological problem or is it she just likes the taste of her own hair?
  • That is reallly gross. sometimes if like, a piece of my hair gets in my mouth its really nasty...so EATING ten pounds of hair..thats gross. ha
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