A 12-year-old girl that lives in Marysville, Washington found a video camera hidden in her bathroom trash can. The camera was positoned so that it could see perfectly into her shower. It belonged to a guy that lives in her house. He was a well trusted, family friend that has been living in the girl's house for a couple years. The girl found him in her bathroom one day. She thought it was kind of wierd that he was in there. So she decided to take a look inside to see what he was up too. His camera contained a lot of pictures of her and other children. Once he was arrested, the police also found child pornography on the man's computer. I can't believe this guy was well trusted by the family. I think they would have been a little suspicious. Don't you?

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  • that is just sick to hear that cause that could happen to any one and that is just wrong. some people think just cause you think you know some one and you lut them live with you and things would be the same but some times this kind of things happen to the one you love and it happened to be the one you thought you know. was the one doing it.
  • that is so creepy!!!!! i would feel so violated. its good that he was arrested.
  • sometimes the biggest creepers are the ones closest to you and this just proves this
  • what a dum bloke
  • WOW not only her pics but other children
  • Thats creepy, I would freak if I found somebody in my bathroom when they shouldn't be.
  • whata creeper
  • thats horribly creepy....
    I wouldn't let someone live in my house unless I for sure knew who they were and all....
  • thats so creepy
  • thats so creepy. thats really scary
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