This article is about Facebook and how usually social networks are for younger kids but now its attracting the older crowd. My mom has a Facebook account and I know a lot of people who's grandparents also have accounts. I dont like it because my Facebook is a way for me to talk to my friends who I barely see and i dont want to have the older people Facebook creeping on me and writing all over my wall and statuses and stuff. How do you guys feel about the older people on facebook? What about younger kids on Facebook? My eleven year old brother now has Facebook. I don't like that.

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  • i don't really care if they have facebook, some people think that it is just cool to add everyone who requests to add them, it is called try not adding your grandparents or mom or relatives whatever it may be, just don't add them? i mean seriously, my grandma must have been high when she tried adding me on facebook if she was actually going to think that i was going to add her, along with my mom, and like 3 of her friends..
  • my parents dont have facebook (yet...eeep!) and i dont really have anything to hide if they do. but my parents (mom especially) are the type to ask 20 questions about anything and everything, so they would drive me nuts. i have my uncle and some older cousins as friends, and i dont mind it because its a way i can keep in touch with the ones i never see much.
  • At times I get annoyed when my aunt comments on EVERYTHING ,but if you know Kelly you would understand. lol My grandma, cousins, aunts, uncles all have facebook. It is at times really weird but if there are things you wouldnt want them to see then why post it? It is also really nice to keep in touch with all of my cousins who live on the coast and rarely get to see.
  • I think its a little weird but I also think its's cool because if you dont see your grandparents very often then you can keep in touch and talk to them on facebook. I dont think that I will have a facebook when im a grandma just because I dont think I will be interested in it when im that old.
  • I do think its kinda weird, but i keep my facebook page private so if old people want to look at my page they have to add me, and if i don't want them as a friend i wont accept. It really doesn't bother me because i don't add them as my friend.
  • My mom, grandma, aunts and uncles all have facebook. I do not have my mom as a friend though.. I think that's kinda weird.
  • My mom, grandma, aunts and uncles all have facebook. I do not have my mom as a friend though.. I think that's kinda weird.
  • Let them, its their life, deal with it....
    My grandma, mom, all 6 of my aunts, older sister, younger brother, and lots of my older cousins all have facebook. I do feel uncomfortable posting somethings, but I realized its a good thing. We shouldnt be posting things we would be uncomfortable with our parents seeing, so why does that matter? I think its a good thing and keeps us in check. If you're gonna say that stuff, say it in person or in texts, everyone can see whats online.
  • My dad won't even add me as a friend on facebook.
  • iss weird. haha, but you do not need to accept them. i have some of my parents friends and family nmembers on facebook, including my dad. i mean its not like i have anything to hide, but sometimes its weird cause my dad or aunt will ask about something like an inside joke or something. haha
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