getting fired over facebook...harsh

talk about cowardice. its bad enough to dump your girlfriend over facebook, but getting fired over it...ouch. chelsea taylor worked a part-time job at a small cafe, and one day her boss sent her a note on facebook telling her that she was fired

read the note and full story here:



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  • thats almost as bad as the guy who dumps for you
  • That boss must be addicted to facebook or is really bad at firing a person!
  • that's a bit ridiculous. i don't even use facebook so if i got a message like that i wouldn't even know. then they would have to man up and fire me face to face
    • haha pwnage.
  • oh yeah cuz that hasn't happened before. c'mon people, every one who has facebook does everything via facebook.
  • Wow harsh! And uh if you can't spell You really shouldn't be in the position to fire people
  • wow that must suck for her
  • ha i'd rather have that happen so it wasnt an awkward moment of like "should i leave now or ask for my paycheck first then leave?"
  • thats just rude!!! how can you do that to a person. just send her a message on facebook...pathetic!
  • wow people need to just man up and tell it face to face
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