Remember when Syria's president was thought to be a rogue leader because he gassed his own people. Fourteen-hundred people including hundreds of children dead because this president gassed his own people and the images of this horror reach to the far corners of the Internet. taking more than a year to determine the extent of the shelling in the Syrian city of Hama. The death toll is calculated about 20,000. Syrian activists post all of the horrors of the gassing on the Internet. There is hours and hours of graph videos showing the bodies buried in rows in one grave like they did in WWII because there is that many bodies. These videos also show dead babies on hospital floors because of the gassing and yet Syria appears to be stronger after this doing this to itself. It was because of the Russian President threw a lifeline at the Syrian President leaving Obama to forget intervening with Syria. Syria is going to destroy the weapon and all factory that make the gas. But this is like committing a mass murder crime and getting a fine. The rest of the story is here
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I think that the people should kick out Al-Assad and maybe even take him into custody if possible, he is a problem for many countries that i don't think that deserves the privilege to live a free life.
I feel that Syria deserves a harsh punishment for this. I don't know why the US or United Nations didn't come down hard on Syria,
Try breaking your info into shorter paragraphs and be sure to proofread to eliminate errors. You also did not pose a question to the audience.
I believe it is a mass murder he did what he intended to do. He knew he was going to kill these people. So their for he should be punished.
Someone needs to do something about this and get rid of Al Assad.
It's terrible that he is getting away with this. He is responsible for the many lives he took. He should get more of a punishment. Out of power would be the best, so he couldn't do this again.
I hate this so much how could you do this to your own people. If you are going to lead a group of people you have to be fair to them even if they are rebelling maybe listen to what they want. I hope that something is done it is good that the weapons are being destroyed but it is terrible.
I think it is terrible that he killed over 20,000 of his own men. He is their leader and should not get away with this. I think that his consequences should be serious.
thats horible. he shoudl not be anle to be the leader, for one thing he gasses and killed his own people, inocent people and children at that. i think he is doing more harm than good here.
This is a messed up situation. I'm not saying we need to go to war and kick some teeth in, but they should be held in someway accountable for what they have done.