On Sunday, December 1st, Amazon released new information on it's newest idea of delivering their packages called Prime Air. Sounds silly right? But Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said on 60 minutes, that non-human controlled drones could be delivering packages as soon as 4 to 5 years. These drones would look like toy helicopters, and so far are still being tested, but Bezos says they are looking good for delivering. Before this could happen though, some federal rules would have to be changed, because of right now, flying drones to peoples doorstep is illegal. Bezos says that they have talked to federal authorities, and they have accepted the idea, but the laws wouldn't be able to change until as early as 2015.
What do you think about drones delivering mail to your door? Do you think that it is actually possible, and achievable by 2015? Do you think that this could be the start of a new age of mail services?
Link: http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/01/technology/amazon-drone-delivery/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Great job Levi!
I think this is awesome! If it helps society to function more smoothly, why not? Technology like this always seems to have some sort of malfunction, so before they send any of these out they need to make sure they are extremely safe. If they are not tested enough I think that it could take a definite turn for the worst.
It would be cool to have drones deliver mail. I don't think it is the most secure way though. A kid with a bb gun could have your package in a few minutes. It will be kind of hard to get the laws and technology by 2015.
I think this is pretty cool actually. It will help us out in the near future too and I do think it could be possible if they really set their minds to it.
Yes I'm sure that with technology always improving that it is achievable.
This is really cool and could also speed up mail travel. It might not be a good thing sometimes cause if it gets destroyed it could lose your mail but that is also possible with regular mail. I think it could happen by 2015 if people start working on it. I think it could start a new faster mail service.
I saw this on the news. I think it would cost a ton of money to buy a lot of drones, I think it might decrease the time it takes to get to your doorstep, but what if its raining or something and your package gets damaged? They would probably have to make waterproofed packages which would cost even more money. Plus it would make some people lose their jobs. I don't see drone delivery starting in 2015, maybe by 2020, but who knows.
I think this is a really cool idea, but people are going to have to pay more
This is a really cool idea by amazon. It is crazy to think how advance our world is becoming with technology. I am curious if they will actually achieve this by 2015. Maybe they will. When these machines are flying over and dropping our mail, are these machines just going to leave in it our front yard. What happens if someone's steals our mail? It seems a little sketchy.
I heard about this on TV... while it sounds like a good idea I think that it won't be achievable by 2015... While the technology is there, there are a number of other problems that pose some serious challenges...1-The drones are only going to be able to fly a few miles away from the distribution center and there aren't very man of those. 2. There are some shady people out there who might follow the drone to someone's doorstep and then steal the package before the person receives it... 3. This entire idea will cost a lot of money and unless Amazon is sure enough people will go for it and that they'll make enough money, they won't do it.