Get Out of Jail Free?

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In Florida, two murderers Charles Walker and Joseph Jenkins walk out of jail free. The families of the victims are frightened and have gone to the media to tell the story. How they escaped? Forged signatures of Judge Belvin Perry to release them were issued. They didn't find it strange because the said the Judge Belvin Perry is very trustworthy. They are now looking for other forgeries across the county. Do you think the guards should have paid more attention or asked the Judge if this was legitimate? What's your opinion?  

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  • Well done Kat!

  • I think that the guards should have called the judge to make sure this was legit.  I think that if I was a guard and I knew that they were in their for murder and all the sudden the judge allowed them to get out, I would have called just to make sure. I also think that they should be put back into jail for an even longer time.

  • Yes! I do think that the guards should have paid more attention to what really was going on. I just hope they catch these guys before they do something that can hurt someone. I also think that they should prosecute the forger along with Walker and Jenkins.

    • They have been caught thankfully, they will most likely track down anyone who had to do with it.

  • Yes i think the guards should have paid more attention because they shouldn't have got away with it. I cant believe it worked! The fact that they are murders should have been a red flag. They aren't just going to let a couple murders get out of jail for free!

    • Yes I totally agree, but I can also see their side too. I mean they were just doing their job and took the orders they were given

  • I think that this should be investigated and that they should look into if this is happening in more cases.  

    • They found a forgerie ring where they can get forgeries for anything buying paying a price, so it's completely possible that, that is the situation.

  • Well it depends. I wonder if they had ties to the forgeries. If not someone out there, a criminal, was looking out for them. It might be their fault it might not.

    • I hadn't thought about that! That's totally possible.

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