Gay Marriage Legal in Iowa

Ok.. I know this is a super touchy topic. Do you think it should be legal? Personally I think that the way people choose to love is totally up to them. Of course I don't really understand homosexuals and I can't help but think it's kind of weird sometimes, but I'm not going to interfere with their lives and make life miserable for them. So what do you think?

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  • let them choose, personally i dont think they caN help that sometimes.. i beleiv e they are born with that genetic.. butt some people turn that way.. its their choice and personally, i dont think think anyone should judge them.. i agree with megan, dont maktet hem miserable by making fun of them, or joke around in front of them.. its juswt not right..
  • Why is everyone so worked up? it doesnt effect us... why should we care what they do? all this fighting over something that could be easily ignored...
  • Only for men...because if guys are gay, then whatever, leaves more girls for me haha.
  • i think its fine, why wouldn't it be? i hate when people try to say they're fags when everyone has there one opinions.
  • ok, now i realized that they should not be able to get married. Its against marage in general, between a man and a woman, not a man and a man.
    • "Now" ? Did you feel differently at one point? What changed your mind?
  • I'm really disappointed in our state leaders. They passed this without even asking us to vote or tell them what they think. I know people who have been asked by people out of state, did you guys really vote for that? I know there are people for it and against it, like you should have the right to choose who you want to be with. But still, are you kidding me? have you ever heard of morals? setting standards? I think it's wrong and goes against my beliefs. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
  • I'm proud of iowa for supporting gay marrige and I think that every state should support it. Love isnt about someones gender so why judge them for loving someone of the same sex? I think it is just wrong people should be held back from being in love just because of their sexuality. But thats just my thought.
  • I think its a good thing that Iowa is making this legal. I dont think there is anything wrong with gay marriage. Thats just the way some people are. Its not a bad thing anyway i dont think. I know many kids think its a bad thing to be gay because they call each other fagots to dis the other or whatever. Some kids think its not right but they dont really have a good opinion on gay marriage cause they dont really know much about it. They base their opinions on how other people act about it at school. But anyway i think its fine the gay marriage is legal in Iowa. There isnt near as many gay couples as straight couples anyway so as long as we keep reproducing everything will be fine. I dont think the world is on a shortage of people.
  • I think its their life so they can do what they want. But no PDA, not just for gays, but for anyone.
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