Gator Gets a New Tail.

Mr. Stubs, an Arizona alligator, has lived most of his life without a tail. He learned to swim by doggy paddling around the water even though normal alligators don't use their front legs at all when they swim. After learning about Mr. Stubs, a team of scientists helped build him a brand new prosthetic tail. This story reminds me a lot the movie Dolphin Tale, about that dolphin who was a built a prosthetic tail. What are your thoughts?

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  • I think that is really cool. I am really glad this alligator got a tail. I think prosthetic parts for animals just shows how advance America is.

  • I think that is so cool that the gator learned how to swim with out the tail.

  • WOW that is so PRESH!! it also reminds me a lot about dolphin tale.. maybe Mr. Stub will get a movie about him too and everyone will love him and he will get rich. but such an inspirational story. WOW IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY.

  • That's pretty cool that they did something like this! He will finally be able to swim like the other gators.

  • Awe the poor thing i'm surprised it lived that long without a tail..

  • that's nice that they gave him a new tail! I bet it was different for the dolphin to learn how to swim correctly! And yeah now that you say that it is a lot like Dolphin Tale!

  • Wow! go lil gator! haha but i personally think if swimming doggy style is working for him.. why change it? really? cause he'll have to learn how to swim with this new tale that maybe he wont like..

  • That is fantastic! I'm so glad that these things are possible now. If this is possible and easy for scientists on animals then who knows what sort of medical miracles could be possible in a few years? It's just amazing really!

  • I think that this is awesome! alligators are awesome and by having a new swimmers tail he will be getting all of the alligator babes!

  • I think it's great that people can do something like this to help an animal. Technology has really grown in the past 20 years.

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