Garbage Maze Kills Man

An old man in Britian turned his house into a dumpster for his own trash. He never threw it away, he just piled it there. So to get through his house, he had tunnels. After his neighbors couldn't find him for a week, they called the police. So the police walked through the maze of garbage till they found him.They believe that he died of dehydration after getting lost in his own maze of trash.

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  • Wow! Couldn't he have found an old juice box somewhere in there that wasn't quite empty? Lol! That's insane!!
  • where wwas this at? thats really messed up.
  • why would you do somthing like that. I mean the whole tunnle thing sounds cool but seriously he needs to go on Hoarders.
  • WOW!
  • why? how could anyone be so stupid? take out your trash!
  • This wants me to try it sometime even though i might die
  • that's kind of gross.
  • I think its pretty cool that he made made a maze in his house but i think it wasnt very smart for him to get lost.
  • wow this is weird.
  • so this is why my mom tells me to clean my room
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