Frozen Baby Revived

On February 20 2013, A mother in laber tried to walk to the hospital in temperatures around zero degreis Fahrenheir,  but ended up giving birth on a sidewalk. The Hospital tried to revive the little girl but was declared dead and covered with a sheet. The two officers waiting with the body for the coroner when the little girl started to move. The officer felt for a pulse and alerted medical staff to comfirm that the baby was not dead. She is healthy and so is her mother. Doctors believe that the cool temp caused the babies pulse to slow down close to stoping while preserving the brain function. an expert told them that hypothermia can mimic death. If you want to read more, click on the link below:

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  • Oh my gosh! That baby is so lucky, as is the mother! I'm glad they didn't do anything to the baby so they found out that the baby was still alive!

  • Wow!!!!! I'm so glad that baby and the mother lived! WHAT A MIRACLE!!! I am guessing the mother felt incredibly bad when she couldn't get a ride to the hospital and had to give birth on the sidewalk!!! God bless that baby.

  • Why did she try to walk to a hospital when it's below freezing temperatures? That doesn't make much sense.

  • This is awesome! (: I hope the little girl is okay and stays okay! :)

  • omg this is happyness because the baby survived because in the most cases she woulnt

  • This is so amazing that the baby came back to life! But i think the Mom should have asked to take her to the hospital so this didnt happen! But i am glad that they are both heathly

  • First of all why would the mother in labor walk in the cold in the hospital! Kind of a dumb move on her part i think! At least the little girl is health and doing great!

  • I'm glad to hear that she came alive! That is really neat. I have heard of stories where people are dead, but then they really aren't. I think it's neat to hear of stories like these. Hopefully her progress can continue to excel.

  • This is a miracle! I cant believe out of all these odds the baby is still alive. Mom is never going to let this child out of her hands.

  • Wow that is crazy. I feel like they declare many people dead when they could be scary. I am glad the officer was paying attention to notice the baby was still alive. I am glad this mom now has her child back and I am glad she is okay also.

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