Christopher Columbus had an idea to sail west and reach india. He had no money for he expedition. The king of spain gave him money. He set sail on 1492. On the 12th of october he reached land with strange trees and and men and women with different colored skin. Some time later a sailer by the name of Amerigo Vespucci. That is where we get the name America.
Finding america started the slave traid and the killing of indians and the trail of teirs. It also started the revelutionary war.
Creating new england
Jamestown was put in the location it is so enemy ships could not attack them. The land was not occupied by virginia indians. It only took the settlers one month to build the james fort.
Out of the 214 settlers only 60 survived throught the winter either they were sick or other natural reasons.
The govenor De La Ware and had ships the took the colonists back to the fort and aided the colonists.
American Revolution
lasted 8 years
America was teamed up with France, Netherlands, and spain
It started with taxation with out representation
the taxed british tea led to the boston tea party in 1773