A baby that was born on Feruary 17th, a 7-pound 6-ounce boy, was listed on Craigslist on monday after 2 PM, for free! The police traced the post and it was tracked to a high school student. They do not believe that the high school student was the one that posted it.
Even if it wasn't them, this is so horrible. How low do you have to stoop to put your own baby on a bidding site?
I wonder if it was a prank by the student? I can't believe someone would just bid off their own baby. they must be a terrible person
:( this is horrible! why wouldnt you want a baby?
This is terrible why would anybody want to sell a baby on craigslist for? Even if they didnt post it, it was still a bad joke to do. If they did post it on the other hand hopefully it wasnt for real.
well its a shame that someone did this. But i'd be willing to bet that it has happened before.
Why would you post a little human life as "for sale" on a public auction website?!?! That is cruel, and even if it wasn't true, very stupid. That is seriously wrong and whoever posted that should be punished so they can see that joking, or truly doing that to a real baby, is just plain outrageous and wrong.
I guess this is the newest form of adoption. This is very messed up and this person must be crazy.
that is really low!!!! its one thing to put your kid on a biding site, but it was FREE too! thats horrible! if you cant take care of a kid be safe.. i hope it wasnt the high school student that put it on there
This is really bad. Give your baby up for adoption or drop him off at the hospital. If its a joke or real thats terrible. If it was true, i would definitely take that baby home!
That is crazy! I can't believe you would do something like that. There is adoption!
That is sad. Who would even do that as a joke thats scary! We are talking about an actual human being here! That baby deserves better! I dont think the mom put it on there i bet some else did! But hopefully there werent any bids.