Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse
On Tuesday,Mar 26, 2024 The Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse at approximately 2:00 am. At that moment the cargo ship engine had lost power and at that time the captain of the ship tried to drop the anchor to slow down, but at that moment it was too late and the cargo ship had made contact with one of the bridge pillars, triggering it to collapse into the Patapsco River. Which caused the whole bridge to collapse within seconds.
The water that night was between 46 and 48 degrees and poor underwater visibility, they say they did not believe they would find any of the workers alive.
1.What are your thoughts on the Scott Bridge Collapse?
- Do you think that the investigation is going to be longer than 2 to 3 years?
- How long do you think that it is going to take to rebuild the the bridge
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I personally don't have any real thoughts about it because it was a mistake with them losing power. I don't think that the investigation will take longer than 1 1/2 and probably about 2-4 years to rebuild it.
The collapsing of the bridge would be very terrible, and very unfortunate. I don't really know how long it would take for the investigation, but I don't know you would even figure out what happened to it. I bet the rebuild would take a while because building back on a broken surface would be hard to do.
The bridge collapse sounds terrible and like a very unfortunate freak accident. I don't know much about this topic so I have no idea how long the bridge rebuild would take but I'm assuming the investigation will take less than 3 years.
I think that it was very crazy and scary. I'm not sure how long the investigation will be because this is such a crazy thing to happen. I think it will take a couple years to rebuild the bridge. I think its crazy how they ship lost power and hit the pillar.
I think it's a pretty bad deal because it wasn't really anybody's fault but people still died. No, I don't think the investigation will take longer than that because it just doesn't seem like it was on purpose. I think maybe a couple of months till they get a new bridge up and going.
i think its bad for the company and the ships that have to go throught or pass the bridge to deliver goods. i think it would take a long time to investigate the situation. its going to take the same amount of time as its going to design the project.
I think that the captian of the ship should of known what and where he was going. It will be right around twelve to eighteen months for them to get everything settled. To rebuild the bridge will probally take around Three to Five years .Depends if the government cares about it.
I think that the bridge collapse was a tradic thing for many people who had family or friends on the ship or on the brifge at the time. I was not affected at all by it becasue I did not know anyone injured or killed. It will probably be one to two years to get it rebuilt.
My thoughts about the bridge collapsing is that it was probably really scary for anyone who was around it. I feel like there could have been ways to prevent it falling. I doubt that the investigation will be longer than 2 to 3 years. I'm not sure how long it will take to rebuild.
I think that the scott bridge collapasing is scary. I think the investigation will last about 1-2 years. It is going to take a lot of time and hard work to rebuild the bridge and make it steady this time.