In 1943 a ship was transporting Soldiers across the sea to fight in WWII. There was even young boys on the ship as well. There was torpedoes that hit the middle of the ship. Many had a waken and were trying to get off the ship. 4 men Father John Washington, the Rev. Clark Poling, Rabbi Alexander Goode and Rev. George Fox. These men tried to keep the men nice and calm and get them off the ship. The ship ran out of Life jackets. The men gave some of the men there life jackets to the men. More than 600 men died that night.

I would be sad and greatful if I would have know any of those four men. I hope that the men got lots of thankful people to go to the funeral. I just want to say RIP to the 4 men. Do you think the men did the right thing by giving up there own lives to save others? Would you have done the same thing?

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  • Those four men were no doubt about it, courageous! What they did was very very brave! Of course they did the right thing! Many people wouldnt give up their lives to save many more. Hope these men are resting in peace!

  • That's the definition of a true hero. I would be very greatful for that. I would probably be too afraid of dying to do anything like that. I'm glad there are people in the world who would be willing to do that.

  • This story shows what it means to be a hero. These men could have lived and let others dies, but instead they decided to sacrifice their lives for others. I think that everyone should be like this, and help others before themselves.

  • It is without a doubt a definiton of courage. You never really know if you would do the same thing until you're in that same situation. But, you hope that you would have enough guts to do the same thing those brave men did.

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