Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Their grim task also included recovering the body of computer expert Sean Smith, who had succumbed to smoke inhalation from a fire ignited by the attackers.

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  • That is sad, but at the same time a great thing to attempt!

  • This is very tragic that they had to die, but they died heroes. They did their job and put themsleves second.

  • Its sad that they had to die. But they were doing what they are suppose to do. And that takes courage to do. I hope there family is proud of them.

  • This is so sad! But I am sure that they are happy they died helping people out! They are truly hero and should be honored alot! This is great that they are so brave!

  • very sad but at lest he was trying to save someone.

  • They did what they were trained to do and they died heroes that day! The people they helped, along with the citizens of our country owe them a debt of gratitude. There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for ones friends.

  • THis is so sad! But at least he died trying to save someone! ITs very heroic.

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