A few weeks ago a gold dealer in Manhattan’s Diamond District on 47th street found that the gold bar he bought was 75% tungsten. Recently another merchant was sold a 10oz gold bar that had been salted with tungsten. Each of these bars had been sealed and numbered so they looked authentic, which means this must have been a high quality operation. It is thought that someone from Russia is behind this.
What are your views on this?
Very clever! I would never have thought of salting it with tungsten. That would make me feel pretty bad if I had bought a fake bar of gold. I hope they catch the guy who did this so people aren't getting ripped off.
If I was going to buy a gold bar, I would be sure to have it authenticated to make sure that I didn't get ripped off. Also, the maker of the bars must have been very good to make it look so real.
Yes, the person who thought of salting them with tungsten must be a pretty smart person and have a pretty good and costly operation going on. I sure hope this doesn't continue because people are getting ripped off, and the cost of gold is pretty costly.
I think that who ever sold them to the dealers was a very smart person