Ok so the chef and nutritionist Jamie Oliver has this new show that comes out on saturday about a town in west virginia that is one of the most unhealthy towns in the u.s.  His goal was to try and give them healthier eating habits.  Citizens in this town almost resent him and did not welcome him much.  They say he portrays the town as fat and lazy while he says he does no such thing and that they don't understand what he is trying to do. What do you think?  READ THE STORY!

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  • i think that the people should take the advise. Jaime is only trying to help them out.
  • ha, I saw the preview to this show, I'm not sure if anybody will listen, people are too lazy theese days to do anyhing.
  • I watched it on Sunday and at one point he shows the kids what chicken nugets are made out of ( the carcass and skin of the chicken, including bones) and when he put it into a pattie and breaded it it looked like a chicken nugget and even seeing all the stuff that went in it the kids still ate it!!!!! I think this town needs to get overthemselve, swallow their pride, and let someone who knows what he is doing help.
  • That is sad if your town is named one of the most obese towns in the US. If I were them I would take his advice, it may help them live longer healthier lives.
  • I think its good because America is really obese.
  • ok if you want to change the fattest city to eat healthy then dont expect them to welcome you
  • I guess they don't want the guy.
  • maybe the people should realize he only wants to help...
  • Get a grip and losing some weight. Fat people have no right to be offended. They disrespected themselves enough to get in that position so they don't deserve the respect of others.
  • I saw the show after desperate housewives last night. I think that that is such a good idea. It really makes me mad how the cooks at school just make the easiliest things they can find. All processed food. Which is the worst kind of food you could eat. The people in that town were so mean to him. He is just trying to help and maybe even save lives! LIke seriously people that is ridiculous.
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