Terrafugia Inc. has invented a flying car. Its street legal and actually flys. It reach 1,400 feet during a 8 minute flight in Pittsburgh. Its a 2 seated vehicle that uses regular gas instead of expensive air fuel.
What do you think?
It would definitely fly. But the real question is, Is it street legal?
haha.. thats really cool!! and more cool is that they can go out in streets .. i think this is amazing
That's super cool. I wonder if we're all going to have flying cars in the future, crazy to think about that!
That is really cool! They could potentially start finding ways to mass-produce this and make it more affordable to the public in the future.
That is awesome, but I bet if it does become legal and all the cars are like that in the future our kids are going to have a really hard time getting their license because I bet the test is going to be a lot harder.
that is cool but why would somebody need to fly a car
looks like before you know it there wont be normal cars and streets will be free for walking since people will be in the air the whole time.
yep it looks like it flies.. looks like a normal plane to.
This is awesome i kinda want one now!!! I think its funny its street legal when its a plane! I wonder if they will start selling these and if they do they probably will cost a lot!