In Florida, a teen shot and killed his mother and her boyfriend. The teen had been previously diagnosed with schizophrenia but didn't always take his medicine for it. The night before he shot them, he had gotten into arguments with both his mother and her boyfriend. I think that it is irresponsible for the mother to not make sure that he took his medicine. But I also think that he took it too far when he shot them repeatedly.  What do you think?


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  • I think that it is her responsibility to make sure he takes his medication. If he doesn't he needs to go to a place where he can't hurt anyone.

  • I think its stupid. Its not only the teens fault it his moms to because she is in charge of making sure the teen takes his meds.

  • Killing someone is a little too serious. Even if the kid has severve problems in the head. If his condition was that bad the mom should have made him take the medicine.

  • I think that the mother should have made sure that the teen took the medicine. I can understand being mad at people, but Shooting her family is a bit far.

  • I think that people that need to take medicine, like really need to should have someone make sure that they do. If he is a teen, he should know better, and take it. At the same time, a problem like that needs to be helped. I send my prayers to the rest of the family that has to suffer from this. I hope he gets locked up. In my opionion even if you are sick, you should still have the same concicquences as everyone else. After all, he knew he had a disorder!

  • I think it is sad, but I don't feel that the mother was at fault. So many things could have gone on and she probably didn't pay attention.
  • This is sad, that he suffered from that disease, and it led him to kill him mom and her boyfriend. If he was a teen, I think he should know to take his medicane, but I can also see where he might of thought that his disease was getting better so he didn't take it as much, but as you can see since he didn't take his medicane it lead to death.

  • I think the parents should be responsible enough to make sure her child is taking the medication he needs. On another hand, how did this child get a gun? Who would give a firearm to such an erratic teenager?!   If he was diagnosed with this why wasn't there steps being made to help him? I know he was given medicine, but whats the use of medicating him if he's not getting the medicine?

  • He overreacted.  Medication should be taken if prescribed.  Killing people is terrible.

  • The boy should have been taking his medicine. He did take it to far when he shot his mother and her boyfriend. I think the mother should have made sure the he was taking his medicine.

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