The Malaysian plane that went down and can't be found has more advancements in the search. A new discovery was made that the person who was flying the plane was flying below 5,000 feet which means that they can't be seen on radar. They have expanded the search across 11 countries and the Indian Ocean. They have also found out that the plane had communication with a satellite for 4 hours after the loss of contact with the control tower.
Do you think that the plane is still intact and that the people are alive?
Stay away from yes/no questions. It really limits what people can respond to.
I agree Jessica its just something that no one really knows about and that scares people.
I really hope that this flight will be found. It is one of those cases where I don't know much about the flight and neither does anyone else. All of the stories kind of freak me out because not even the experts know what happened quite yet.
i think it laned somewhere on a island or something