
In recent news a man tried to fly like marry Poppins did in the movie. In the attempt he rode up in a hot air balloon and jumped out, he had a parachute in case it didn’t work. Almost right away the pressure from the surrounding air turned the umbrella inside out and he had to resort to using his parachute. I think that it would have been really cool if it had worked. What are your views? The link is below. http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/clip-board/201302/mans-unbelievable-mary-poppins-esque-skydive

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  • I don't really know what the "Mary Poppin' way" is.. but I think it would have been cool if it was successful.

  • Any person with common sense would know that just a normal umbrella wouldn't work.

  • thats kinda crazy but interesting he should keep trying to make it work

  • For science! he probably could have gotten his answer without trying it, but that wouldn't have been fun. I applaud his minor contribution to umbrella flight.

  • I think that he was kind of ignorant to think that this would work at all. I am glad he was smart enough to have a parachute as backup. On a lighter note I think it would be really cool if he made an umbrella that would allow him to do so! :)

  • This would of been cool if it would of work and he was smart using the parachute because it would not of been good if he didn't have it.

  • That dude is an IDIOT. why would you do that. I mean i jumped off my be with an umbrella opened and acted like it was a parachute but i only weighed like 75 pounds.

  • Well it was a good thing that he had a parachute cause otherwise it would have not been good for that guy.

  • He should have known it wouldnt work..that was a movie. Im glad he didnt get hurt or die or anything...Maybe he wont try this anymore though.

  • This is kinda of funny! I cant believe there are crazy people like this out there! its a cool idea though! Im sure it would be a found time

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