Flavored Tobacco Illegal?

I just heard about this a few weeks ago, apparently The Obama regime is making flavored Tobacco Illegal? Like grape flavored cigars, because apparently it "entices" minors to start smoking. But he keeps menthol cigarettes legal, but when you think about that doesn't that really not make sense, menthol is definatley a flavor a mint flavor. But it's also a proven fact that Obama likes menthol cigarettes and so do 85% of black people. Hmmm... what is that telling you?

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  • isnt that like making flavored cough syrup for children illegal because it is directed to them and can be harmfull if too much of it is taken.
  • jimmy's right
  • that seems dumb because their are plenty of things that are bad for you that are advertised to kids and those arent all banned.
  • a bunch of people are saying that all tobacco should be illegal because it hurts your lungs and isn't good for you. so does that mean that driving a car should be illegal because people can die in car accidents? does that mean that video games should be illegal because they don't do any good for you and can make you lazy? Tobacco has been a major factor in the worlds economy for hundreds of years. Some people who work long days and come home tired might decide they want to relax with a bag of potato chips, and some decide they want to relax with a smoke or a chew. They're both not good for you. But it doesn't mean they should be illegal.
  • thats just dumb. its still tobacco. companies are going to still be producing these flavored tobacco items no matter what because they make money from em,
  • thats just dumb. its still tobacco. companies are going to still be producing these flavored tobacco items no matter what because they make money from em,
  • hmmm thats weird i wounder if thats true. i havent heard about this before, but i always thought cigars were safer than cigarettes.
  • easy kyla. . . they can't just take tobacco away from the public. . it was introduced as a way of trade by the indians. indians also introduced canibas but that didn't stick. . . if the american tobacco company took a dive the world economy would be effected deeply. . some people don't realize that american society is based highly on smokers. . . if you watch the movie called thank you for smoking you'll understand this
  • i think its an eval sceam devised up by the government to kill all the smokers. hint Obama is a smoker and maybe the gov doesn't want him . . maybe they are thinking to themselves man we really fudged this one up eh
  • I think that he should make all tobacco illegal. It does nothing for you but hurt you! I don't even want to start hearing about the oh most black people like them so thats why he is keeping it legal. I think that's bull crap. People need to grow up and stop making the world about well blacks like this and whites like this.. I think its foolish and very childish. I think that Obama realizes that this country shouldn't be about what blacks like or what whites like. Its stupid! Blacks are human and whites are human! Our color doesn't and shouldn't mean anything!
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