Flappy Bird Taken Down

As of Sunday, February 9th at noon 'Flappy Bird' is no longer available for download on the IOS app store or on the Android's store. If you have managed to not know Flappy Bird is a mobile game that has taken the world by storm in the last few weeks. Before being taken down from the app store there was over 150,000 reviews of the hit game. Yesterday the creator, Dong Nguyen, tweeted that he couldn't take the instant popularity of the game and stated he was going to take it down.

You can read one of many articles on the topic here.

Do you think it was right of him and a good idea for Nguyen to take down the app?

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  • Well done Alex!

  • It was right to take the app down in my own opinion. If the guy was getting that hated upon, I would think that after he took it down, he'd disappear from the internet for a while just to let thing simmer. Where as, at the same time, the people giving the hate mail were there same people that downloaded the app in the first place. It was there choice to obtain it, and they got frustrated with themselves.

  • I think after he had taken the app from the store the app should also be removed from phone's since people obviously can't handle the dumb game.

  • In my opinion the game was stupid, so I could care less about it getting taken down.

  • The choice is his he probably has a good reason for taking it down. I probably would have left it up. yes I think it was right of him because it was his choice. depending on why he took it down it could have been a good idea and could have been a bad idea.

    • i think you are right that it was his choice

  • Its not gonna take long till someone comes up with an app that is similar to Flappy Bird and him taking the app down has caused more notice because of the high demand for the app

    • I agree that there has been a lot more talk about flappy bird since it was taken down

  • No!!! I <3 flappy bird, it drives me nuts but I love it. Just because people think a game is frustrating doesn't mean they like it, look at how successful it is.

    • That's the problem, it drives everyone nuts

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