Flag burning

I know we've talked about it in CWI but we just are having debates in Advanced Political Science and my topic was flag burning.  I just wanted to see what everybody's opinion is on whether or not it's part of you first amendment rights or should it be made illegal??

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  • I think that the flag is a symbol of the country and no one should ever think of burning it.
  • If you burn OUR flag, YOU are not a true AMERICAN of AMERICA, and yes it should be illegal. I think its bad to do this because it desecrates the flaf, which represents the country, which desecrates the people. SO if you wanna burn a flag, go move to Canada.
  • if you are going to protest, then you should burn a picture of someone or something like that but not the flag
  • I think it's terrible if you burn a flag. When I was little I used to hear that like if the flag touched the ground then you had to burn it. I think that is a little extreme. I dont think we should burn flags. Its just wrong. Burning a perfectly good flag is just rediculous.
  • I think it's terrible if you burn a flag. When I was little I used to hear that like if the flag touched the ground then you had to burn it. I think that is a little extreme. I dont think we should burn flags. Its just wrong. Burning a perfectly good flag is just rediculous.
  • i dont think that its right.
  • The flag symbolizes are whole country. If you burn you have respect to the people in are country or that are over seas
  • as a democratic country we cant make it illegal because of freedom of speech, BUT we should be allowed to physically attack and injure all and any body who decides to burn a flag and disrespect the country that gave them they're rights.
  • when its something as serious as disrespecting our country, then yes, this should be made illegal. this is not free speech, its being a terrible american. like the westboro church. they came to earling when a soldier died and they were burning flags on the main street in earling. honestly, how disrespectful can you get? they go all over the nation just so they can protest and burn. its total bull. it should be made illegal and they should all be locked up.
  • I think that our flag is a big deal to our country. It should never be disrepected.
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