Five thousand dollar seat!?

For Obama's latest two fundraisers, the guests have had to pay five thousand dollars for just one seat! And the after party or the fundraiser later they had to pay 38,500 dollars just to get in the door! 200 people went to the beginning fundraiser and 60 went to the later one. That is three million three hundred ten thousand dollars! (3,310,000)I can't even put into words how ridiculous this is. It honestly sounds to me that some people are just blowing there money.What are your thoughts?

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  • I can't believe that people actually pay for that stuff! Sure, it's the president, but $38,500? That's just ridiculous.

  • That is ridicules. Yes he is the President of the United States, but that is to much money for just one seat and an after party. 

  • Well it is a fundraiser, so prices are probably going to be much higher than what they really should be, that way they can raise the actual amount of money they would like

  • That is absolutely ridiculous! I definitely agree that people are blowing their money. I hope the money goes to a productive source and not into his bank account. That is CRAZY!

  • That is an insane amount of money to spend on a seat! crazy.  well, its sounds like a successful fund raiser if he made over three million three hundred and ten thousand dollars!  You have to hand it to him though, its a extremely creative way to make some El Dinero.

  • Running a campaign is very expensive, and this is now the norm for candidates. They have fundraisers and backers that throw their money around to support them.  If you read the article (which if from Tuesday May 15) by the end of March Obama and Romney had a combined $300 million raised. The Republican National Committee has the goal for $800 million by November.   It would be nice if they would put some limits on the money that could be used for campaigning, imagine all the good that this money could be put to. As mentioned in the article "Imagine how many families could be helped if just half of that was used to train people for the new job market."

  • I wonder where all this money is going? I can answer that! Advertisement! Considering our economy...

  • People waste there money on the stupidest things. If I was them that money could go to something way more useful!! maybe this is why our county has such a huge debt.

  • Who would want to pay that much money just for a seat, or to walk through a door? I dont really think that it would matter that it is the president.  It does seem like they are wasting their money.

  • That had to be a blast.  Oh and it better have lasted six months.

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