5 or 6 men armed with sledgehammers take over a Memphis mall. 5 or 6 suspects entered Reed's Jewelers around 7:39 p.m. and begin hitting the display cases with their sledgehammers. The men took about 65 Rolex watches, putting everything they took into pillow cases and running out of the mall. No injury's were reported, the cops say no shots were fired and no other weapons were seen. The mall was closed down but later reopened.

This is a normal robbery in my mind, but why sledgehammers? Why do you think they used sledgehammers and not guns or any other weapon?

Read the story here

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  • Go job but you replied less to this post.

  • I think they used sledgehammers because if they used a gun and it was seen they would be shot, so a sledgehammer would be safer. Also, a sledgehammer would break through the glass easier and make a bigger hole and wouldn't make as loud of a sound.

  • This seems like a normal robbery, but it is weird that they used sledgehammers.  Maybe they wanted to show the people that they had power and force.  Using a sledgehammer would have been a good way to break into the display cases.  

  • I think they were smart to use sledgehammers and not anything else. that way if something went wrong they would only be charged with attempted injury or something like that. 

  • I'm not sure... my best guess is they didn't want to use a gun because they probably have a lot better chance getting caught with the paperwork and stuff that comes along with the gun.. with a sledgehammer they aren't as likely to get caught

  • I think they used sledgehammers because they wanted to get in and out quick. They obviously didn't want to hurt anyone or they would have brought guns or other weapons. 

  • It would be easier to break open the cases with sledgehammers and the penalty would be less than it would be if you had a gun.

  • They used sledge hammers because if a gun was put into this chaos, someone would have been shot and the situation would have been more extreme, and they would be put into prison for a longer time.

    • They should still be but in jail because they still broke in somewhere with a weapon.

  • thats weird i have never heard or anyone using sledgehammers to rob a place. they prob brought them to break in. 

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