Fishermen Faced With a Challenging Decision

Just recently at Lake Vygozero in Russia, fishermen were faced with the decision to save two bear cubs that were left by their mother in the middle of this lake. The mother of the two cubs was trying to cross the ice when it became too thin and they all fell thru. The mother could not swim with the cubs on her back so she had to leave them. That is when some fishermen spotted the cubs and decided to save them. As the bear cubs thrashed around in the water, the fishermen made their way over to them on their boat. As the bears clung to the boat the fishermen searched for something to get the bears up into the vessel. They found a net and quickly took action by scooping the cubs up and bringing them into the boat. The exhausted fishermen then took the bear cubs to an island where they could be reunited with their mother. To read more click here.

1. If you were these fishermen would you have taken action? If so why? 

If I were a fisherman in this situation and I encountered this I would have taken action, but I would have made sure that the momma bear was not around to attack me.

2. What would you do once the bears were on board?

I would probably call a game warden or someone that knows how to deal with these types of situations.

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  • Well done Owen!

  • I think I would have done the same thing go over and rescue those drowning cubs and get them back on land so they can try to find there mother. be very careful and try not to spook them and slowly row over to land with out them or me falling out of the boat.

  • If the cubs looked like they needed help immediately, I would try to help them, but if it was not life or death I would call the DNR instead. Even if I did help them, I would still call the DNR to tell them what happened so they don't think I was doing anything illegal.

    • That sounds smart to see if the situation is a life or death, and then make a decision from there, whether I should act right away or wait for help to arrive, and then assist them with saving the bears. Calling the DNR to let them know what happens is also smart to do. 

  • I would of taken action as long as the mother bear wasn't near. I would try my best, unless it got extremely dangerous, and my own life was at stake. Once the bears were on board, I would be carefull around them untill I found a place that they could stay. 

    • I agree that I would help up until the point where my life was at risk. If my life was at risk I would leave the area but call in a game warden or the DNR to help save the bears from drowning. Once help arrived I would try to assist them in finding where the bears are. 

  • Yes, I would of taken action. and helped out.  I would take action because I love animals and hate to see them suffer. It may take me a few minutes to know how I would help, but I would try my best to help out. As long as I make sure I am safe first.

    • I agree that is very important to make sure the area is safe before you take action to save the bears. I also agree that it would take a little bit to think of an idea. During that time I would stay far away from the bear's mom so that she would not attack.

  • I would have only done it as long as I didn't need to get close to the mother, because the mother would likely attack me even if I was helping them. I would just drop them on dry land so they could be reunited with their mother, and then leave them be.

    • That sounds like a good way to handle the situation. Staying away from the mother so that she doesn't attack is very smart because even if you are saving them like you said, she may not know that, and she might attack.

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