Fireballs on the East Coast

On the East Coast fire balls have light up the sky causing people to question what is causing this to happen and what are they.

What do you think caused these light shows to happen?

What would you do if you saw one of these fireballs? 

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  • Your summaries for both topics are very brief.

  • I would have been so scared to see this in real life! 

  • Yes this would be something cool to see sometime, and yes if you read the article a little bit you would've seen that they were  meteors. 

  • This just goes to show that we really don't know everything about the great unknown and there are still things to learn about if we work hard enough to discover them. 

  • I think this would be pretty scary since they don't know what it is, but it would also be cool. 

  • I would have been very scared if I saw one of these. I think they were probably meteors. 

  • I think this would have been very cool to see in real life. Very frightening no doubt, but cool none the less.

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