In California at a high school, a boy and a girl were playing a game of tug-a-war,a dn there fingers got tore off! The doctor is going to try to reattach them. They were playing tug-a-war because it was Homecoming week at there school. What are your guys thoughts? How does this even happen. It must have been a rough game.
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I don't even see how you can lose your fingers while holding a rope. At least there is a chance that the fingers could be reattached.
Why are they having homecoming now? Well I geuss that is beside the point. They sure had to be playing rough.
This must have been an intense game!!!! I would definitely not want to be in that one if somebody lost their fingers.
I think this is crazy! i mean how can you lose your fingers? it would hurt really bad and i wonder if they would be fully capable after reattached
Ouch that must of hurt really bad, Hope that can get them reattached. Must of been an intense game of tug-a-war.
Yuck! I can't even imagine what that would feel like! ouch! I hope everything turns out okay for the high school students!
This is hard to believe! Their tug-a-war must have pretty intense for that to happen. Hopefully they can have their fingers reattached.
This sounds very painful!!! They obviously wanted to win bad enough not to let go. They had to be hanging on really tight for this to happen also. If i was the school i would feel really bad and i hope they get their fingers back because i would not to lose my fingers to something as stupid as that.
How do you lose fingers in tug of war? Apparently they need some common sense on when to stop.
How on earth does that even happen! That is so odd. Now I know not to play a hardcore game of tug-a-wag, or my fingers will fall off. I think this is crazy.