finding the ramains of mona lisa

 scientists think that they're close to finding the remains of the Mona Lisa, there was also a chance that the 'woman' in the painting could have been a man. They have currently found many remains that look like Mona Lisa's bones.

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  • That would be very cool if they found her remains. I imagine that it would be very difficult to find the remains of someone in a painting. I've never heard of anyone saying that Mona Lisa may be a man. That would be a twist.

  • This would be an incredible break through if they found her remains, but also very weird that it might have been a guy. I hope they do so everyone knows the truth.

  • I think that it would be very cool to find the remains of a person in a famous painting like the Mona Lisa, but how do they know who the person in the painting is, or what their bones look like?

  • Thats amazing! How awesome would it be to find the remains of such a powerful and wealthy painting?! Hope fully they will find them soon! This is very good news, absolutley wonderful. Oh and why do some people think the women in the painting could have been a man?? Seriously, why do people feel the need to go to such extremes!!

  • That's interesting. I get why it would be "cool" to find remains of someone that was in a painting, but yet, I find it disrespectful to pull them out of the grave. Looking at the painting, it could very well be a man with long hair...then again, who knows?

  • Do they mean the painting or the person Mona Lisa? Oh never mind it said that they found the remains of her bones, nevermind. Very interesting though I would like to know more about her through their studying.

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