Fight in the Snow.

In recent news almost 30 Air Force Academy cadets needed medical care and 6 of them were hospitalized. This happened during a tradition that marks the first time snow falls. The tradition is when the freshmen try to throw their cadet sergeants in to snow banks, but in the past two years it has been turning in to an all-out fight between the two.

I think that as long as it does not get to out of control it is fine, they need to have some fun somehow.   

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  • I think it would be lots of fun. But it shouldn't be so violent so nobody gets hurt and injured.

  • Yes that does sound fun but if its causing hospitalization then I don't think it's the best idea. I think they should go easier on each other and try not to hurt anyone that bad. It is still a tradition that sounds fun and should still be played.

  • I agree that if it's a cool idea but if it turns out to be a fight and gets people hurt or sent to the hospital. I think that the reason that so many people are getting hurt is because they don't want to get thrown into the snow so they try to fight back.

  • That is cool, but people shouldn't be hurt over it.  I guess a lot of stress may have been built up.  And if they are higher ranks that might make them angry and cause them to beat you up!

  • This is pretty cool, well, not for the guys fighting. If nobody got hurt, it would probably be fun, but people probably do get hurt with all of the fighting. When someone gets hospitalized, then you know that it has gone too far. The Air Force should do something about this.

  • I think it would be fun because you wouldn't be able to have fun all the time. But I don't think it should get out of control and be violent.

  • I dont know why they have to do that. I think that it is very dumb. As long as no one gets hurt it is ok.

  • I think they should be able to throw their cadet sergeants in snow banks, but instead of fighting to do it settle it with a game of basketball or something. Then the winner throws the loser in the snow bank. I think that if the Air Force Academy does the tradition in a way that no one gets injured they can keep it.

  • I would think of trying to stop it, go call somebody, or just watch. i hope they learned their lesson and not go all-out in a fight. I would've joined the snowball fight...until it got violent.

  • i think it would be fun if it wasn't so crazy! I mean, violent, like the fight.  6 of them were hospitalized, that is crazy! I think it's a cool tradition, and all. I just wish people could put aside there diffrences. Especially for something like this!

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