If we go one to one computing next year, would you like to be able to use your personal laptop instead of being issued a school laptop?
In the committee I am in that will decide these issues, we are currently looking at whether or not to allow students to use their own laptops. There is discussion to not allow it and require students to use the school issued laptop
I would like to know your thoughts on this regardless if you currently have or use your own laptop in school.
PS. Let's assume that you will be able to actually connect to the school's wireless network if you do bring your personal laptop in.
I don't think we should do one on one with computers because it is harder for me to concentrate on will working. But i would rather use school laptops because not every student has their own laptop and that way the school can monotor how on task kids are.
I think that everyone should just use the school issued laptops because then the you wouldnt have to worry about ruining your own laptop, because people are usually more careful with other people's things, especially if they would have to pay to replace it. Also, the tech people wouldn't have to worry about figuring out how to fix and put programs on laptops that they aren't used to.
if i had my own computer i would want to use it because i would know how to use it and that would make it easy
i think we should not use our personal computers. Because if we do one on one then we can keep our computers at home for home things and keep that seperate from school things. If we had a choice to use our own computers then we would have to put all this school stuff on it and it would slow it down. We should use the school computers to keep school stuff on it
i would like to use my own personal computer. I have been for the past month, and i like it better than getting a school computer. Because the schools computers are really slow sometimes. So I would really like it if we could use our own personal computers!
i feel like if we have our own personal computer we shoud be able to use it instead of the laptop the school gives us. but if we have our own laptops they should try and get us to connect to the school wireless network!
If you have your own laptop you should be able to use it or just use the one that they give you.
They should always have enough for each student, but i know that i would rather use a mac versus any HP the school will probably provide.
I think that if I had my own laptop, I would bring it to school now. Even if the school would provide computers, I would use a personal laptop with all my files, iTunes, and pictures on it. Computers would be useful if teachers assign projects like research or power points. I dont thin that computers would be useful in math class though. Math is best taught by lectures and worksheets. I do think that computers are benifital when taking notes. Students will get off task though. They could do what they want but shouldn't complain when there grade is lower that they want.