I liked Tora! Tora! Tora! because this movie described and portrayed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor very well. This movie reflected views on both the United States' side of the story and Japan's side of the story prior to the attack.
My favorite would probably be Red Tails. I don't know why exactly, maybe cause I'd never seen it before unlike Pearl Harbor that I've seen multiple times. Pearl Harbor is still a good movie though.
I like Pearl Harbor too, but the WWII inn color series is my favorite, because it goes into more depth.
mine is saving private ryan but i havent seen that many soo my opinion isnt the best i would aske chauncey.
my favorite WW2 movie would probably be Pearl Harbor. but i would like to see Saving Private Ryan cause i heard a lot of good things about that movie.
I liked Tora! Tora! Tora! because this movie described and portrayed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor very well. This movie reflected views on both the United States' side of the story and Japan's side of the story prior to the attack.
My favorite would probably be Red Tails. I don't know why exactly, maybe cause I'd never seen it before unlike Pearl Harbor that I've seen multiple times. Pearl Harbor is still a good movie though.
Saving private ryan was my favorite
I watched all WWII documentaries, which weren't the most exciting of films...but WWII movies that I have seen in the past have all been good.
I didn't think that I would like any of the movies I watched, but I actually enjoyed them all. I liked Valkyrie the most though.
My favorite movie i watched was Everyman's War. But i like all the movies i choose because the where movies but based on true stories.
I did not get a chance to watch very good ones. Out of the three that i watched Defiance was the best one.