An Ohio father is denied release from jail to come to his daughter's funeral. The catch? He's the alleged killer of his 11 year old daughter Lanza Kelley. Prosecutors said Kelley showed up at slumber party Lanza was hosting at her mother's house in the early hours of of January 12 and argued with her mother. Kelley allegedly fired his gun into the air during the exchange, with an errant bullet striking Lanza in an upstairs bedroom. Lanza, who was struck in her upper torso, was later pronounced dead at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

Kelley, who turned himself in the next day, was charged with involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, endangering children and having a weapon under disability, a charge stemming from a prior conviction for cocaine possession. Kelley had three prior domestic violence charges involving the victim's mother, which were dismissed when she failed to appear in court.

I wouldn't let him go, he would cause a scene, and make the family angry. What are your thoughts on this story? What do you think should happen with him? Should they let him go or not? 

Read the story here

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  • Well done Katherine!

  • I would let him attend his daughters funeral under strict watch. It sounds like the murder of his other daughter was an accident. My question has to do with the friends. weren't they at the slumber party? Did any of them get hurt? Did they see her get shot?

  • I would not let him go because he would probably get into another argument with his ex-wife and cause many problems. He also might hurt someone or cause himself to get hurt.

  • I don't think they should let him go because there's no way of telling what he's going to do.  I understand it's his daughter and it's probably important to him that he's there.. but if I was the family, I wouldn't let him come.

  • I don't believe he should be allowed to go to the funeral.  He should have thought about all of the consequences before he fired the gun.  This should teach him a huge lesson.  

  • I would let him go but with police around still in cuffed just so he doesn't try and escape.

  • bummer that he can't go to the funeral, maybe he should have thought about that before he shot her.

  • My thoughts are why he had a gun in the first place and why he shot it. He shouldn't be able to go since he the killer of the her.

  • I think that he should be able to go to his daughter's funeral since it is his kid. He could have been more careful with that gun or not even take a gun along with him. I do think that it was the right thing to do and turn himself in.

  • No. I think he deserves to sit in jail and think about what he's down. Taking a loaded guns to anyone's house means you probably have bad intentions. I'm sure he didn't mean to kill his daughter but he ment to hurt someone.

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