A new curfew at Miami Beach in Florida has been issued after 2 fatal shootings, and chaotic crowding of the beach. There was two seperate shootings one being of friday night and the other at 3:30 AM sunday. These left 2 people dead and many more injured in the crowds. That is why they are issuing a new curfew.
The mayor of the beach stated "We don't ask for spring break in our city. We don't want spring break in our city. It's too rowds, it's too much disorder and it's too difficult to police." The new curfew would be from 11:59 until 6 am to make sure that people aren't out and about in the late hours. Last year there were even more shootings during spring break in the late hours leading to another curfew being made. It makes it hard to catch the shooters because of how big the groups of people there are.
Some people are trying to cancel spring break at Miami because of these violent attacks. I think that the curfew will probably help out a lot with llimiting the time that people can be out, but it wont solve the problem as a whole. Maybe they should put up machines that people have to walk through in order to get into the beach just to make sure that they are not armed.
Do you think that spring break should still be allowed at Miami Beach?
Will the curfew help out with shootings?
Would adding Machines to check for guns help stop this?
I'm not a fan of murder stories so I wish you would have focused a bit more on curews and if curfews work. Be sure to continue replying all week.
I personally believe that they should still be allowed to go on spring break to Miami Beach, just because you can't really tell people not to go somewhere for spring break. But I think the law needs to do a better job at keeping people safe. And I think that a curfew will most likely help with shootings.
I think they should still allow spring break at the beach because that's one of the more popular locations people like to visit for spring break. I don't think the curfew will help much because shootings can happen at any time, but having machines to check for guns is a good idea, and I feel like those will help quite a bit.
I think that they should still allow spring break in Miami because it can be a good place. I do not really think that the curfew will help because most kids will not follow it or the shooters will attack earlier in the day. Adding machines to check for guns will be expensive and make it take longer to get in so they will lose lots of people.
I do think that spring break should be allowed at Miami beach because it is a good place to get out and have some fun, unless you know you get shot. I think the curfew will help out with no shootings, I dont think adding machines to guns help this.
I think they should still allow spring break and the curfew could help if the shootings were happening late at night. Making a curfew won't completely make shootings not happen. Adding machines to check for guns would pry be expensive.
I think that they should still have spring break, but I do think that everyone could benefit from some security. The curfew will definitely help with not letting the shootings happen, but most people probably won't listen and sneak out there anyway.
I think that spring breaks should still be allowed at Miami Beach. I think that the curfew should help reduce crime, however, I think there can be more done to help this situation. I thinkn that add machines could help, however, maybe a lot more security there too.
I don't think spring break should be cancelled in Miami. If the students don't feel safe there, they shouldn't go. I understand that it is hard for police, but with the new curfew crime rates should drop tremendously. Adding machines to check for guns would be very beneficial as well.
I think that as long as there is a curfew, spring breaks should be allowed in Miami Beach. In my opinion the curfew will help out with shootings because people will not be out that late. I also think that adding machines to check for guns would help even people can probably hide them and enter the beach with them.