
  • the restuarants should have to put the amount of calories in the food because most of the food that we eat at fast food stops is terrible for us and should be the last thing we want to eat
  • i think it is a good thing to do this.. people should have some concern to what is being put into their body.
  • We should be able to know. They should have like a scale on how good the food is for you, to how bad it is from like 0 to 100.. I heard theyre doing something like this on food in grocery stores.
  • Subway has been doing that for a long time, its on the napkins I think. Burger King has a sign next to the counter, at least here. I think the public should be able to know what is in their food. Something could be twice as fatty as they believe, so its really good.
  • the meat at fast food places such as BK and McDonalds is actually better for you health wise than the meat at this school
  • I think McDonalds has been posting theres somewhere for a while now? Maybe I'm wrong, I don't go there much. But i think this is a really good thing. There are some people, myself included, who like to know just how many calories we are eating. And maybe even it will 'scare' some people into making better decisions, too
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