Last Thursday, Facebook announced that they were going to remove a privacy option. The option allows users to make their profile not show up when searched for. They say that the option is outdated and that people were getting confused when they tried to find a friend who was using the option. They also say that this change only affects a small percentage of users.
This is why I don't use Facebook. The amount of privacy issues Facebook has and has had is massive. Facebook also seems to miss the point of the option, since one of the reasons it was there was to keep people you don't want seeing your page from seeing it. What do you think of this change, and what do you think Facebook should do about privacy?
STORY LINK: Facebook kills search privacy setting
Well done Zach!
See, are they going to be getting rid of the Blocking Feature?
See, this is one of the reason the world, is crazy. because now, i can be stalked again. ._.
I think people with a Facebook profile should not care who sees there profile because that is the point of Facebook to tell people about yourself, you just need to be careful with what you post on your profile. So i think that anyone should be able to see your profile.
I think they should keep the option, but if you dont want people to see , thehn dont put personal info up. Simple as that. I ddont use facebook for privacy reasons, but others have diferent opinions.
The thing about not putting up personal info is that it's the main usage of Facebook (at least if you count pictures and videos as personal info). It also makes it harder to actually let your friends see your stuff if you have to worry about using a pseudonym or anything like that. I really care about my privacy, especially on the internet.
To me I think that they shouldn't just get rid of it. If they don't want people to search them then that is their choice.
I believe that people have some things they want to hide so Facebook should not take that away from them. I like my privacy and don't want it taken away from me either.
For me it's less that I have things I want to hide and more that I'm worried someone might use my name or a picture of me since that can be easily found on Facebook. Even if I don't post the picture, one of my friends might.
I think this change is wrong people should be able to hide their profile, and also if they do hide their profile there is probably a reason. Also I don't use Facebook so I wouldn't know but I think Facebook should keep the option weather people like it or not.