
  • I like Facebook a lot more than Twitter mostly because I haven't really used Twitter that much.  I really like Facebook because it seems easier to navigate and I feel like there is a lot more you can do on there.  

  • Facebook, because I have a twitter and I tried it out and it just seemed useless to me. I haven't used it since I got it. Plus everyone has Facebook and it just seems more useful to me.

  • twitter! twitter is the bomb and people update it more then facebook. facebook just gets boring but i do have both twitter and facebook. 

  • Twitter has never interested me much. To me its just Facebook except people update their "status" a lot more often and its used by celebrities.

  • other than the fact that they're both social networks they don't have much in common and have their own uses

  • i use both. but i follow a lot of humorous accounts on twitter, facebook is more for interacting with friends.

  • Facebook fersure because you get to talk to people you never talk to which you can't really do on Twitter. But then again I can say things on twitter that I can't on facebook so it's a hard decision. But I am going to say Facebook

  • That is a tough one! I ahev both and i use both! I like Twitter to express my feelings and be free bout it! But in facebook i have all my family and stuff so i like to keep it pretty clean for inappropiate things! But i do think i like facebook better.

  • Well i don't have twitter so i don't know much about it. So I would have to say facebook is better i suppose just because i have it. I don't exactly know everything about twitter but it doesn't look all that good from everything i've seen or heard about it. 

  • I like facebook a lot better! To me twitter is really boring. But really they r almost the same expect facebook has a little more!

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