Facebook Lifts Ban on Beheading Videos

Facebook had issued a temporary ban on violent/graphic videos back in May on account of complaints pointing the finger at decapitation videos. Five months later, they have actually lifted said ban. However, Facebook's user conditions prohibit photos or videos that "glorify violence or attack an individual or group." meaning the videos should not have been posted in the first place. A spokesperson for Facebook cleared the major question as to why the lifted the ban. 

"If the video were being celebrated, or the actions in it encouraged, our approach would be different,"  - Facebook spokesperson

The firm said that there may warnings displayed in the beginning of videos if there happens to be graphic/violent content.

Do you think they should keep the ban lifted, or let people do as they please?


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  • Good story and well done!

  • I think that they should keep this banned.  I think it's gross seeing some of the things that people post on Facebook.  I don't use Facebook much anymore but when I do, these aren't the things I would like to see. I haven't personally seen any videos that show that kind of violence but I don't want to.

  • Well I don't think people need to necessarily ban it but I think something like a warning about videos would be good. If someone doesn't like that people are posting videos like that you can block them or remove them.

  • why would they un-ban them? if they're violent and graphic they shouldn't be there in the first place..

    • I agree, but as people have said above, it's basically their freedom to do as they please with what they post. As long as there would be warnings before the videos, I think they would be fine - at least, better off than flat out letting people post graphic videos for anyone to view.

  • I think they should keep the ban lifted. It's freedom of speech and press I guess. They are right as long as it's not gloried the public has the right to know whats going on. And a great place to find out what's going on is socail media.

  • I think that people should be able to do what they want as long as they put a warning on it so that the people that don't want to see that kind of thing don't have to. 

    • I agree for the most part. However, a lot of times, people get a bit complacent and find it taxing to put warnings on their videos if there happens to be graphic content, which probably led to the original ban issued by Facebook. But, if people would put in the extra few minutes to put a warning on the videos, I would be alright with the ban being lifted.

  • I really don't care. I've never seen any of these videos, or ever heard of them. It never affected me in anyway. I couldn't care less. I think people should be able to post whatever they want to post. It's their page. If people don't like it, or find it offence, they can block it. 

    • I see where you are coming from, but enough people had seen these videos for Facebook to put a temporary ban on them, which means there were more than necessary. My personal opinion is that at least warnings should be posted, but the ban is fine being lifted. It is more offensive and grotesque than anything, and a lot of kids of the younger variety are on Facebook, perhaps seeing these videos / reposting them, etc. - not to mention either finding them funny or possibly scarring them. I think Facebook should tend to this issue just a little more, but there isn't much they can do without issuing another ban.

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